Autumn Turkey Panini with Blackberry Jam


2 Two slices of bread, any kind you want. (Pumpernickel was my choice)
2-3 pieces of deli turkey. I used maple.
1/4 cup of grated Gruyere cheese
2 tbsp of blackberry chia jam. (See recipe below)
High smoke point cooking oil spray
Materials needed: Panini press or not stick pan and small pot lid.

  • First turn on your panini press or your sauté pan to medium to high heat.

  • Spray cooking oil on pan/or panini grill.

  • On a cutting board, take two slices of bread and start to assemble your sandwich.

  • On one slice, spread jam, then turkey, then grated cheese.

  • Place the second slice of bread on top and transfer the sandwich to the panini press or sauté pan.

  • If using a panini press, spray cooking oil on top grill plate and press on to sandwich with weight. If using a sauté pan, put a smaller pot lid on your sandwich and use it as a weight.

  • In the panini press, let cook until cheese is melted and bread is crispy on outside. If in the sauté pan, flip the sandwich half way through and place pot lid back on sandwich until both bread slices are crispy and cheese is melted. Enjoy.


1 bag of Whole frozen blackberries
1/2 cup of black chia seeds
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 cup water

  • Place on low heat in a sauce pot and let simmer slowly till the liquid reduces and thickens 1/2 way. It should have a runny jelly consistency when finished.

  • Take pot off heat and let cool slightly, then put in jar and let sit over night in your refrigerator to cool completely and thicken more.

  • Will last in your fridge up to 3 weeks.
