Blackened Salmon and Chorizo Hash

Blackened Salmon Filets

Serves 2 people

  • 1 lb of salmon filets

  • 2 tbsp Paul Prudhomme blackened red fish magic seasoning (store-bought)

  • 3 tbsp of high smoke point cooking oil. I like grape seed or Safflower oil

First, prepare two pieces of salmon and dry off all moisture with a paper towel.  Then pour a tbsp of oil on each to coat, then dust the seasoning all over the top of the salmon filets.

Make sure to heat a pan on high heat, put remaining oil on pan until you see it look very thin, that’s when you know you are ready. Place each filet top down, seasoning side down.  For no more then 2 minutes.  I like to press down on the fish, with the spatula to give it an extra crisp. Then I flipand  add more seasoning to the bottom of the fish also. I then, either bake it in a 350 degree oven for 5-7 minutes or I flip it in the pan and let it continue to cook through, also 5-7 minutes.

* The oven to me is always less stinky for the house, just sayin’. It’s going to stink from the hard sear anyways but make sure you have you hood fan on high to avoid that.

Chorizo Squash Hash

Serves 2 to 4 people

  • 1 tsp of high smoke point cooking oil

  • 1 Zucchini

  • 2 small Yellow Squash

  • 2 tbsp of frozen corn

  • 1/3 cup of heavy cream

  • 1 oz of uncooked, loose Mexican chorizo

  • Salt to taste

Cut in to cubes 1 whole zucchini and 2 small yellow squash. Sauté the squash on medium heat in a skillet with the tsp of oil. Let it go for a few minutes then add the corn and chorizo. Sauté until chorizo is cooked through, then slowly pour in your heavy cream. Until the desired creaminess is to your liking. Mix and serve immediately with Salmon.

 *This is best to time out as follows:

Prep salmon and veggies, so all is ready to go.  Throw in your veggies to start sauté in one pan, while you sear your salmon in another. Put salmon in oven and finish your hash.

Boom, dinner is served!